neuroanatomical imaging

Neuroanatomical Imaging

Serial section electron microscopy (ssEM), a technique where volumes of tissue can be anatomically reconstructed by imaging consecutive tissue slices, has proven to be a powerful tool for the investigation of brain anatomy. Between the process of cutting the slices—or “sections”—and imaging them, however, handling 100-106 delicate sections remains a bottleneck in ssEM, especially for batches in the “mesoscale” regime, i.e.,102-103 sections. Our lab is developing a tissue section handling device that transports and positions sections accurately and repeatably for automated, robotic section pick-up and placement onto an imaging substrate.

Congrats Dr. Timothy Lee 300

Congrats Dr. Timothy Lee

Congrats Dr. Timothy LeeDr. Timothy Lee successfully defended his thesis this summer. His thesis focused on automating the collection of serial nano-sections sections used to image and analyze up to 1 cubic milimieter of tissue!